MCB Electronics design and deliver Current Generators in any reasonable configuration of current, voltage and frequency ranges, both AC and DC. These machines are very particular, so they must be tailored to the customer requirements.
Our Current Generators are equipped with isolation transformer, SS, TS or TT working modes for AC and single phase or three phase input for DC; Rack 19¨, Towers and Maxi-Towers formats with 2 different types of LCDs. Besides, it can be used for the industrial related applications such as busbars, magneto thermic switches, electric motors testbench, shunt calibration, testing current and winding transformers and it allows you to control the devices remotely.
Main Features:
• fully tailor-made [very high] current and [very low] voltage ranges
• power range from 1.5 kVA/kW to 150 kVA/150kW
• current up to 40 kA within the 150 kVA/kW max power allowance
• voltage output usually < 10 Vac/Vdc
• DC output attained with a rectifier downstream the AC/AC inverter
• Custom output frequency range in AC/AC configuration
• Fast current ramp time with customized stabilization time (magnetic curve or thermic curve architectural philosophies)